
Avatar Hub
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Last Updated:

21.03.2024: Changed the button design and updated the text around it.

20.08.2023: Removed some hotlinks stuff, removed FNACC icon in sidebar, layered bar on top of the page to go above everything else.

19.08.2023: Updated Hub & Bookmark page. Added last updated text and randomized ads.

18.08.2023: Added bookmark page.

17.08.2023: Added text to sidebar, removed music player, added button to site, new social & bookmark page, vhs filter and top bar to more closely resemble Discord.

30.05.2023: Added Guestbook, Spotify Playlist and Sidebar.

30.04.2023: Webpage created.


I have basically privated this website from Neocities now, so you can only see it if you have the link to it or I guess my page. This website is still realllyyy unfinished. Some things look off in some browsers and the way I'm building it I am not taking this into consideration. If you want the best experience, you should get Firefox and view this site at 80% zoom. I'm probably gonna fix this in the future but right now I can't.


Hello there! I'm Mushry and I draw my OC a lot. He's the guy you see in my profile picture and the logo. I've decided to make a website to showcase all of my future art and projects here. I don't post on social media a whole lot, but I figured a website would be really fun to make as it develops my HTML skills. I also want to thank @cod on Tumblr for the amazing template, couldn't have done it without them so like, check them out!

The Website

Onto the website itself, you can visit different pages such as the Diary where I just ramble a bit about different topics or the Gallery which hosts all of my art n' projects, Socials is well, my socials, Bookmarks are software, sites and general purpose stuff that I use every day. And the Guestbook where you can leave personalized messages for me to read. It's not much, but it does the job.


As for me, I'm bisexual, and use he/him pronouns. I enjoy a ton of games like Binding of Isaac, Fortnite, Phobies and Clash of Clans, although I'm not too good at any of them except maybe Isaac and Phobies. I also listen to music a lot so you can check out my playlist on Spotify if you'd like (it's in the sidebar btw)! Anyway, that's pretty much it. Have fun!
Here's a button to my site. You can hotlink it, though I recommend downloading it and uploading it to your Neocities page.