muse ariadne writing club

356 updates
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added a page ( + responded to prompt. my button is there too. the downer ending isn't really accurate (I'm here now) but I liked it so I left it. this project is really awesome, thanks for setting it up (:
tehuan 3 months ago

i love this so much ! such a creative response to the prompt 🥰 adding you to the members page now !

Added a page & responded to the feb5 prompt here ^__^ There r some webpage buttons at the bottom, feel free to choose any :) This is a really exciting project, thank you!
vashti 3 months ago

"An observer of all things," hm? I've begun to feel similarly in these past years. I thought my life's purpose was to pursue happiness, but that is often unattainable to me, so now I see my life as a catalog of expereiences; good & bad, I just want to feel, to experience & observe. I understand what you're saying & see nothing sad about it.

vashti 3 months ago

I think you're right that writing comes from loneliness. Writing is just talking to ourselves at the end of the day. I wonder if I'd have started writing if I'd had a many friends growing up? Anyways, pleasure to read.

liedown1 3 months ago

@vashti I don't really see anything sad about it either, but i find it interesting how people interact with what i say or do, especially if i don't really get where they're coming from, like in the case of that teacher. I'm glad you relate, you put it very well! I've always said my ultimate dream is being human, which means to observe and feel in earnest and experience [x]

tehuan 3 months ago

lovely ! adding you now. your piece for the first prompt was wonderful

Added an actual muse page now >.< I thought I had lost the base file for my navigation buttons, but I managed to dig it up to add a new page lol
tehuan 3 months ago

yay ! lovely :] glad you found it LMAO ! will add ur new link

Do you need a button in order to join?
1 like
tehuan 3 months ago

no ! if you don’t have one, i can just link to your website with text :]

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I wrote a response to the first prompt!
denpatenshi 3 months ago

a fellow academic writer! academic and creative writing are so different, aren't they... it's so difficult to juggle between those two tones, and i'm glad that you're giving yourself a space to be free when you write. you're right- time really does make everything fine. maybe time will make you feel more confident in sharing your stories with the world. ☺

tehuan 3 months ago

i Totally understand the feeling of hating what you write. was putting up a few writing pages and physically cringed at my 2022 pieces.. it's hard, but disliking what we write is often part of the process. wishing you the ability to see what you want to improve & feel proud of yourself instead of upset you aren't perfect :]

hi! i just made a muse page ( this is such a lovely little idea, and i cannot wait to see where it goes! xox
tehuan 3 months ago

yay ! it's such a cute page. glad you think so, i'm really excited for it too :]

1 like
Hi, I just made a muse page and have linked your button. My button can be found on my homepage towards the bottom left. Looking forward to this project!
tehuan 3 months ago

wonderful ! i'll add you to the page now. and your response to the first prompt is so thoughtful-- i totally understand that feeling that theory takes away from the creativity and freedom of it all. i think for me, at least, it only does for a little while-- while i'm really learning it, y'know? i think adding the tools to your toolbox takes a lot of work, but (cont. in next reply LMAO)

tehuan 3 months ago

getting to use them in creative ways and break rules changes things. the creativity comes back, i feel. regardless, writing as a hobby & catharsis is a beautiful thing, with or without 'theory' attached. i'm glad you get to have it as an outlet :]

hi! i made a page, and my button is at the bottom left of i'm so excited for this project :D
tehuan 3 months ago

yay ! wonderful :] adding u to the page !

tehuan 3 months ago

also, i love your entry for the first mini prompt ! that evolution of how you express your feelings through writing is so relatable. the way i confront my own emotions and experiences now is for sure more mature, and being able to see how it's changed through a medium like writing is wild.


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club writing prompts