Mister Dizzy

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Hunger S. Thompson
misterdizzy 1 day ago

He's just Hunter S. Thompson but with food and sugary beverages instead of drugs and alcohol.

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rbuchanan 1 hour ago

"The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely delicious sweets. The trunk of the car looked like a 7-11's confectionary aisle.

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rbuchanan 1 hour ago

"We had two bags of Cheetos, seventy-five miniature candy bars, five sheets of sour candy buttons, a salt shaker half full of pixy stix powder, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored M&Ms, Reese's Pieces, Nerds, Skittles, and also a quart of Sprite, a quart of Dr. Pepper, a case of Mountain Dew, a pint of Canada Dry and two dozen Sour Patch Kids.

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rbuchanan 1 hour ago

"Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious junk food collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can."

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"Consider sport, the babyish enthusiasms and rages which it excites, whole nations disturbed by disputes between boys." ~ Aleister Crowley
Mister Dizzy was updated.
1 week ago
Schumann Resonance. Discuss.
surenaga 1 week ago

The album that proves Schumann made a mistake branching into electro.

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Mister Dizzy was updated.
1 week ago
A person who studies music genres & subgenres for a living. A genrologist.
Mister Dizzy was updated.
1 week ago
cidoku 1 week ago

I suppose Alan Moore is a *chaos* magician, because that's the "standard" way to make and consecrate sigils in chaos magic. I've only heard people with a more thelemic background do it that way.

Alan Moore said of literature that there's a bit too much alchemical "solve" and not enough "coagula". Everything's being deconstructed, but nothing's being built.
alephzero 1 week ago

I've been considering writing about deconstruction fatigue. Moore said it better than I could though.

Mister Dizzy was updated.
2 weeks ago
rbuchanan 2 weeks ago

Cynicism of no few postwar Japanese finds religious and figurative expression in explosions of divinity, but no historiography of this subject comes close to the mark without addressing the persisting recrudescences of pantheistic Shintoism, which is first chronicled in early Kofun -- predating the shogunates by nearly a millennium.

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rbuchanan 2 weeks ago

Moreover, Meiji's dictates delineated and physically separated the faiths, but never proscribed shinbutsu-shugo. Japanese depict divinity less fatally than flexibly.

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Do not underestimate the power of focus.
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

When i finally decide to actually focus on things, I suddenly get shit done for the first time in my life XD

misterdizzy 2 weeks ago

Dealing with boredom head-on, like it was boot camp.

misterdizzy 2 weeks ago

>Get shit done - Same!

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

@misterdizzy good idea lol. Thats pretty much the only way I'll get anything done, actually finish it even if it bores me to literal death at that moment.

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dc-blog 2 weeks ago

(especially with how much i want to do or learn, seriously I'll take 20 years if I don't try to get it done now, it'll be harder considering there practically isn't a moment in my house with silence nor a way to cut the noise made out as of now, but it'll be worth it, especially with programming + becoming a polyglot)

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icelogist 2 weeks ago

Any math assignment can be turn into a contest with the power of autism

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