Mike Grindle's Webpage

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I have to confess that I've been so busy over the last few weeks setting up new content (and life) that I haven't had a proper chance to read your pages or other sites I follow. Just noticed this morning your kind promotion of our site. I really appreciate it. Thankyou!
ugly74rg37 10 months ago

Meanwhile I just open the page and stare at a computer just eating disc after disc.

mikegrindle 10 months ago

No worries! I haven't been super active on here either (hence why I'm seeing this three days later!)

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Hey fellow bass player and Linux user, thanks for the follow! Cool site btw. Going to explore it properly when I have some time later.
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10kph 12 months ago

thanks! i love reading through your linkblog! lots of interesting stuff :)

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nohappynonsense 1 year ago

guilty, but still sexy

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umbritzer 1 year ago

Indieweb movement is promoting a good thing in a bad way.

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owlroost 1 year ago

Nice to see someone else handcrafting their feed (and fed up with a lot of the newer feed readers). And thanks for the link! I originally wrote the safety page as a response to the surge of minors putting real-world information online that I've been seeing, particularly the sort of information that carries high risks to share.

mikegrindle 1 year ago

@nohappy can't argue with that.

mikegrindle 1 year ago

@umbritzer They're alright. Just not as cool as the old web kids ;)

mikegrindle 1 year ago

No worries @Owlroost. Yeah, I think it's generally good practice for adults to retain some anonymity too. Although, it seems like many new "online safety" laws coming into force are hell-bent on removing that anonymity.

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kph 1 year ago

Ugh, of course now I found your RSS primer in the one place I didn't look last night. Ah well, got myself set up with a little RSS to email aggregator on my shiny new hobby email. Thanks for the tips!

1 like
Rad site. Especially enjoy the folder structure you made for the recipes. Also, your post on jargon gave me something to think about for my latest linkblog. Looking forward to exploring this site more later when I have the time free. Keep up the good stuff.
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kph 1 year ago

Thank you!! I've also definitely got a couple of things in the "linkblog" category, so it's been great reading through yours. Excited to see where you take the jargon idea. :)

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Just wanted to l know, I really enjoyed your recent Linkblog on web communities. It's a topic I'm interested in, and the way you write is profound and sticks with me. Also, congratulations on your button!!
mikegrindle 1 year ago

Thank you, that's really nice of you to reach out and say. I'm also a big fan of what you've been doing with Web Weekly. Like you, I'm fascinated by web communities, and it's been intriguing to see what inspires people to create these sites.

mikegrindle 1 year ago

Today's linkblog is a long one. Maybe a bit rambly. Next week's will likely be better.

owlroost 1 year ago

Honestly, I don't think that rambly is a bad thing for a blog to be. I liked it. Fully agreed on productivity, by the way- I think it's a shame that there's such cultural focus on productivity over all else, especially when the definition of productivity seems to exclude things like the arts and social connection.

mikegrindle 1 year ago

Thanks, appreciate you saying so. Yeah, I think a lot of it stems from "hustle culture". Not to mention the endless stream of self-help gurus trying to make a quick buck.

murid 1 year ago

Being quoted by a REAL writer feels strange to me.

mikegrindle 1 year ago

Well, I thought it was an interesting piece. I do make a living writing and I do use my own name for the site. But I don't know if that makes me any more "real" than anyone else who writes on the internet.

kph 1 year ago

100% agree that the AI conversation should focus more on labor and toxic productivity. Looking forward to clicking through the links you gave. Also really appreciate your perspective on online communities and their failures. Very happy to have found occasionally, content and bearblog. :)

1 like
mikegrindle 1 year ago

Thanks kph, I hope you have fun exploring the links

Can vouch for "dumbphones". I've been hapily using one for a year now and have no regrets, although I'm sure not all of my friends feel the same way as I'm not super reachable. Mine has a hotspot feature which was what made me switch. If I absolutely must use the internet out and about, then at least I'd like to do it on my laptop to be spared mobile formatted websites : p
mikegrindle 1 year ago

It's cool to hear from someone who uses one directly. The only thing stopping me from making the switch at the moment is that I travel quite a bit, and a smartphone can be helpful in that regard. But once my current phone finally dies, I'm planning to brave the switch.

webweekly 1 year ago

May I ask, which model are you using? My partner and I have discussed making thw switch, but still on that quest to find the perfect balance.

pastelshoal 1 year ago

Using a Lightphone, I have some reservations about recommending (bad battery life and support outside of the US), but for my purposes it get's the job done. It definitely helps that I really don't travel (I'd be hesitant about using it outside of my city, as in my country it has very limited support). I went with it because I wanted a full keyboard and the hotspot, but many phones offer the latter

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You're the first website I've received an RSS feed from, having recently set up a feed!
mikegrindle 1 year ago

That's awesome :-) Hope it loaded okay. I've got your feed on my reader too. Looks like there are quite a few of us using it now.

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readingproject 1 year ago

It worked just fine! Thanks

1 like
Hey, nice site. Impressed by the sheer amount of useful bookmarks alone. Keep up the good stuff.
owlroost 1 year ago

Thank you! Your site's pretty dang good as well. Loving the idea of a linkblog- you're giving me ideas.

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mikegrindle 1 year ago

Cheers! I can't claim it's a wholly original idea. But it's been an interesting form to experiment with.

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