284 updates
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I've got too many ideas to figure out what article I want to write, so I went ahead and wrote an article about all my ideas for the site and what's been going through my mind for the site this winter. Hope you enjoy reading it!
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Happy Halloween, everyone! I was unable to finish that Halloween game I wrote about earlier, but I was instead able to rush out a prototype tonight. There's a link to it on my front page now! Enjoy!
Hello! It's been a little while since I was last on Neocities. If you're wondering why I've been gone for basically a month, you can read about it in my blog post on the musings section of my website.
thoughts-about-stuff 3 years ago

I know what you mean. My wife has been taken ill for a few months now and I just haven't had the time or motivation to update my site as much as I'd like. Glad your reason is a happier one.

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macrosofa 3 years ago

I'm a month late responding to you too, but thanks for the input! I hope your wife is doing better now!

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Just added a button to my site. AugustAugust is a pretty cool site here on Neocities, so now there's a button on my buttons board that goes straight there. Feel free to pay that site a visit.
augustaugust 3 years ago

aw shucks, thankyou! i'm adding your button to my links zone too :y

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macrosofa 3 years ago

Thank you! :)

You seem like a pretty cool programmer. Your "Eye engine" Java engine looks real interesting, I might try it out if the scripting language itself is also Java. Good luck with your game!
scarbyte 3 years ago

Thanks so much! Also the eyengine isn't very intuitive or user friendly, haha. It's mostly just a project to expand my programming knowledge.

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I love how one of your comments is titled "Y2K experience", even though it takes place in 2009. No, you couldn't slip that one past me. You have a guy whose username ends with "2004" and then he's 5 years old, 2004 usually being the birth year? Loved it anyways.
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augustaugust 3 years ago

shhhh, if the masses find out, it'll ruin my political career <:(

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJun 7, 2020
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programming videogames computers freesoftware opensource