hi maybe - Jacoder23

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Thanks dotcomboom! And also I know I said the game would be released on the 29th but I realized that the game jam I entered had a required theme and umm... well lets just say I'm an idiot. But I'm still going to be making that post-mortem and updating the landing page to look more "professional" and I have some plans to make a few text tutorials on Unity in the future as I came across WAY too many problems(1/2)
jacoder23 6 years ago

(2/2)during development that I had to bang my head on for hours on end just to get the game working. So, to make sure no one else has to go through my suffering again and reinvent the wheel, I'm going to be posting these tutorials probably, a few days after the post mortem so looking forward to that!

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dotcomboom 6 years ago

I'm looking forward to that as well, good job on the game! I've tried using Unity on occasion but I couldn't ever figure it out ;_;

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