The Crayon Box

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Working on retooling the homepage, alongside the main site css! This is gonna be a massive project, and a lot of pages will probably be broken. Hang tight while I get everything sorted!
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Y'know, in retrospect, I really don't like how I did basically everything to do with the CSS of this website. Specifically recreating the same box element with the same exact class (class="box") with entirely different width and height dimensions but otherwise the EXACT SAME COLOURS. And it's like. I could've just used id="box1" or something like that but I DIDN'T
indigocrayon 2 months ago

And because I only thought of this recently, that means I'd have to do a whole lotta repetitive, taxing work to get the code in tip-top shape. I know it seems like a small thing, but this is honestly just... an example of other issues like this I'd been having as my knowlege and understanding on HTML and CSS grew. I'm Ship of Theseusing, help.

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fuck I really wanna add a fun and cool page for See and Wes my boys See and Wes I fucking love See and Wes but I DON'T KNOW WHAT CATEGORY THAT'D GO IN
This website's so cool!! And you're only 13 making this?? (I snooped at your toyhouse a bit) Thats super impressive :O.
pumpkibee-thats-me 2 months ago

Also Canada buddies :D

indigocrayon 2 months ago

I'm 14 now, as of September 9th, 2023! And thank you, I'm really glad you like my little corner of the internet. Honestly, I benifited a lot from sadgrl's layout builder, it's sort of the scaffolding I build all my pages around, but from there it's mostly been a lot of hyperfocus and pure creativity. I think this website in and of itself has be come a hyperfixation of mine lol. And fuck yeah, Canada buddies!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMay 24, 2023
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