The Era of Antares

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I just have to ask..... Has 2023 been a terrible year for anyone else? Site-related: I'm planning on getting back into art in the coming months, and have also been doing a ton of scrapbooking/junk journaling, but am WAY paranoid about art theft... Is that a big worry on Neocities? Does it happen often?
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redretrotriangle 6 months ago

Yes. And I don't think you will need to worry since art theft is basically non existent on neo cities. And you could also try water marking them!

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era-of-antares 6 months ago

Glad I'm not alone in that....and that is good to hear, I originally considered uploading my work onto Deviantart, I do have one, but their policies are horrible. I'm under the impression Neocities is less tolerant of any kind of theft. Then again though, I haven't actually drawn anything since I was a teenager, and I doubt my art will be good enough to WANT to steal.... ^.^; But a watermark is always a good idea!

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redretrotriangle 6 months ago

Oh yeah, good call on not using deviant art. One of their new policies involve using everything on the platform to import into their bot for AI art, and if you want to opt out you have to fill out a form. Its ridiculous lol. Also don't be hard on yourself I bet your art is really good! It would be awesome to see your artwork soon ^_^!

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era-of-antares 6 months ago

Yeah, I remember reading about that, way flippin' ridiculous. I did also read recently though that apparently there are going to be some legal restrictions on AI now? I hope?? I mean, there's already like billions of deacades-old movies, anime, and TV series that heavily suggest why AI as a whole may not totally be a good idea.... XD LOL. And thank you! You won't have to wait too long. I got new paint on the way! ^.^

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era-of-antares 6 months ago

*decades Blah, typo. I'm REALLY going to have to proofread this page..... XD

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redretrotriangle 6 months ago

Agreed! Also your fine I still understand what your saying XD. I feel like the best example of a movie showing AI being a terrible idea is the terminator, . I enjoy talking to you, you remind me a lot of ju1ia! Want to keep talking somewhere else like email or a chat service, I feel a bit bad polluting the page with messages XD. And if you don't feel comfortable with that either, that's fine too!

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CreatedJan 7, 2023
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