c l o u d c o v e r

5,746 updates
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Thank you for following! Your layout is *gorgeous*, I can't wait to see your future updates!
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asiaworld 10 months ago

Thank you!! <3

cant wait to see your site when its finished! loving what youve put together so far <3
cloudcover 10 months ago

Aaaa thank you so much!! It's been so fun to dive back into building a site after so long! Also omg your site RULES?? Immaculate vibes

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I am working on a site banner, an 88x31 link buttons, and a few other fun graphics projects... but I have to wait for my new ipad to finish all of them and I am IMPATIENT, lol! Gonna try to get some other stuff done while I wait for everything to come in...
Thank you for the follow!! Your layout RULES omg <3 <3
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digibun 10 months ago

thank you so much!!! omg! still trying to relearn coding as it's been a long time since i've done it. but i'm having a blast with it <3

Thank you so much for the follow! I love your layout so far- looking forward to updates!
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Thanks for the follow! I love your layout so much already- the fonts and text effects are so satisfying!
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Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedNov 18, 2021
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