BadGraph1csGhost's Website

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Whoof... TSR's organisational system has taken a downward spiral since i was there last (in 2003). iirc i quit going there when they started wanting money for stuff. Idk whose idea that was but it awakened the corporate shill in everyone and harshed the vibe :(
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I always said if I made another Game Music 101 page I'd give it its own section. So I did.
Happy 1 year anniversary to my INDEX.HTML page! Back then the site was just a blog with no other pages.
badgraph1csghost 1 month ago

I technically started the site in august 2022 as a minisite on how to ditch your smartphone cos it came out the police were using peoples advert IDs to track them. Thats still going on afaik.

badgraph1csghost 1 month ago

But the tumblr post with the link got buried and forgotten pretty quick and i decided to repurpose the site for something more practical in may 2023.

do u mind if i draw my fursona in the same posture as Cerise 2? *u*
reconrabbit 1 month ago

oh go for it!! any use of my work as reference is immensely apprecviated so do whatever you like.

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I should talk about how to make N64-style music next... It's very much like SNES music, only you can skip a few steps.
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badgraph1csghost 1 month ago

Well maybe it can SCRAPE it. But it can't understand it.

ultimate 2004 homepage design right here
Awesome site!! *-* thx for the follow :3
girlinside 1 month ago

Thank you so much! Love your site as well


Website Stats

Last updated 3 hours ago
CreatedAug 18, 2022
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1990s computers gaming retrogaming nostalgia