Aristasian Reminiscence

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Currently still working on writing the very first part of the history section. This will focus on Rhennes and their Book of Rhiannë, an Aristasian precursor group active mostly in the late 1970s and early 1980s, in Burtonport, County Donegal, Ireland. I'll be discussing their beliefs, lifestyle, and how that relates to Aristasia. I'll also discuss them in context of the wider pagan milieu of the time.
aristasia 4 months ago

You can watch a short 1982 news clip about the Rhennes here. The newscasters are awfully credulous, but that wasn't uncommon in interviews with pagans at the time:

If you don't feel okay interacting with me because of the sheer creepiness of the group I'm documenting, I understand. I mean that in no negative way at all and I don't take offense or anything like that. I completely understand and feel that way too about plenty of things.
Important clarification: I, and any website or online space I control, will always be as welcoming as possible to all LGBTQ individuals. That said, you have to keep in mind that some of the topics I'm addressing via this project are awfully unsettling. That isn't something I can really avoid... it sucks. I'm hoping my friends can help, who know more about this.
I’ve been moving towards making my site more usable for people on smaller screens and phones, and just successfully updated several aspects of the main theme to allow for that. I hope I can get it more easily-navigable in the future for everyone.
The beginnings of the Storm Clouds page address the question of whether Aristasia was a cult using an informal rubric based on the BITE scale.
aristasia 4 months ago

I received a lot of help from @tellurian-in-aristasian on Tumblr in setting up this page, as you can probably see. Her views are slightly different than mine, but we line up in many ways too.

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 5, 2023
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otherkin aristasia spirituality pagan queer