Aristasian Reminiscence

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Upcoming pages still to be completed include one called “But I Wanted to Aristasia…” which will feature my brief and tentative thoughts on present-day Aristasian “subversive revival” attempts and noises about them - is that worth doing? Is it productive and safe? This will also touch on the potential consequences of the personae games they played, and how it matters today.
A rather disturbing part of this has been uploaded. It’s about St. Bride’s School, allegedly a holiday roleplay retreat for adults in Ireland in the 1980s. Content warning, because this section covers abuse at the “school,” as well as connections to fascism. Expect more updates to this section, given what a tangle it is.
aristasia 1 month ago

Once more let me reiterate for any lurkers or those new to my site: it is 100% alright if you are uncomfortable interacting with my page etc because of the sheer creepiness of the material I'm documenting; we all have a right to curate our online experience. I take no offense and can understand not everyone wants to read about this kind of topic.

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 5, 2023
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otherkin aristasia spirituality pagan queer