Welcome to Ari's Garden!

3,477 updates
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hi yall i'm still here. been feeling not so great recently but i'm still here <3
new homepage is done lemme know if anything is janky on that or the splash screen
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aribluejeans 9 months ago

new homepage in progress!

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I haven't looked through the entire site yet, but reading through the homepage made me start crying. I really hope things are/get better for you. I'm not in a very good head space right now, but reading through your page made me feel a bit better, as if I wasn't alone. Thank you so much for that. (p.s. I love the way the ghost looks)
aribluejeans 10 months ago

thank you so much for this message <3 I'm in a better place considering everything. I checked out your site as well. I want you to know that I've been where you are before and even though things are still hard for me, I've learned so much and changed for the better after a lot of fighting. I believe in you. Keep hanging on. You deserve kindness and peace <3

hihi! I really enjoyed your crochet pages and the premise of your site. hoping it keeps getting better for you ♡
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aribluejeans 10 months ago

Thank you for the kind words <3 your site is incredible btw :o

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digibun 10 months ago

Thank you so much!! i really appreciate that :3

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedJul 3, 2023
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