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i love your site so much! it's inspiring me a lot... keep working hard! (。・∀・)ノ゙
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aioi 4 months ago

♡(。- ω -) aah it makes me really happy to hear that!!! you have such a gorgeous page!!! you keep working so hard as well!!!

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oh wow i love ur site & ur spacehey so much :DD
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aioi 4 months ago

(❁´◡`❁) aaah thank you so much!!!! i love your site as well!!!!!

1 like
oughh lots of stuff worked on today.. There's a lot I still need to work out (navigation bar code and appearance, fine-tuning website in other areas).. but i did ok work today!!! That's all. (ノ´ з `)ノ
catcakes 4 months ago

cool navi hover effects :3

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im so sry if i said anything rude to u before , ur site is truly lovely ! ! i love the colour scheme especially
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aioi 4 months ago

(つω`。) thank you for the apology!! and thank you for the kind comments, i appreciate it so much, truly!!!

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aand we're back!! No navi but there's a NEW CALENDAR and NEW INFO/TIMEBARS!! I'm really excited!! the calendar was so taxing but i'm just all the more excited about it.. javascript is a tough customer.. (;´д`)ゞ time to work on my navi!!
my blog is private until further notice but I put a statement up on my index and would appreciate if you could email me!!! I'm incredibly sorry for the confusion I've caused and want to explain myself/take accountability.
mental-labour 4 months ago

the good ending?

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federiefederi 4 months ago

the bad ending!

swirl 4 months ago

alright thank you for taking accountability! i'm not as upset as i am with coding but i thought that you removing my messages was an attempt to silence me, but i understand it was not the case. I'd like to know the user of the person on myspace as i wasnt aware of my site being shared there, i sent you a friend request on discord if that's ok?

aioi 4 months ago

yes of course!! I sent you a friend request and I can send you the link and answer any additional questions!!! i apologize again for deleting comments, it was 3-5 am in my location so i panicked! it was not my intention to censor or silence T_T

eheheh i'm so excited about my stamp catergory. (((o(*°▽°*)o))) My stamps are like.. a visualization of what my youth was like, kind of? Yuuyuu's brain, minus the zoology and sapphic tendencies .. also I don't know how I forgot to add it but my age is now on the index!! I am 19 years .. i feel like an old gramma after being dormant so long.. (¬︿̫̿¬☆)
UAA LOVELY SITE.. and it makes me happy we have similar motivations for creating our sites!!!! Solidarity!!!! AND i hope it's ok if i add your button to my page? mine is up too if you'd like to trade!!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 9, 2023
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