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I really like this website! the style is so fun, and I love the homestuck feel of it.
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I'm taking some inspiration from the Star Trek computer ui, called the LCARS. I'm using code from, which is a template for the LCARS ui. I'll add the credit on my actual site whenever I start adding actual content.
This site will be getting a full overhaul because I just remembered that I have it. I want to make it cooler and not just about me. The original was made when I was 15 and I had taken a web design class. I’m 21 now and I’d like to take it up again to have a site that isn’t social media. It’s a creative outlet, if anything. I want to take back the old web, the current web sucks ass.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedDec 5, 2016
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