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Somewhat site related but also not: I'm going to be closing commissions for the time being. Long story short, I've been in a highly anxious and unstable state lately and don't feel like I can comfortably do them w/o delays at this time.
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I was thinking about it for a while, but for the outbound page I've opted to merge down the Affiliates section into the other websites section indefinately due to a lack of interest since I opened up to them. I might bring it back as a link-backs section later when I'm better able to keep up-to-date with links and such👍
There's a few site tweaks and set-up I want to do before I start working on the new layout, but I think I have the energy to start working on a new layout now (knock on wood). Though since one of the goals is to make it easy to update offline, I am going to do a lot of the testing that way as well.
Seems like a lot more people are visiting around here. Hello there!
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blytherenay 2 months ago

Your art is VERY cool!

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jade-everstone 2 months ago

@blytherenay aaa thank you!

New blog post regarding my webcomic project, PC-Mania, that's been stagnant since graduation. It's a more serious entry, but I think at least putting out a statement and committing to a format change will at least ease one thing that's been causing me stress lately.
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Last updated 1 hour ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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art illustration comics personal