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ik i haven't advertised them much, but I'm temporarily removing twitter as a contact option for comissions (again) because a recent site bug force logged me out & holds on a loading screen when I try to log back in. I'm pretty sure it's a passing bug, but the unreliability makes me hesitant to use it for comms related work
jade-everstone 3 weeks ago

on that note, I have pwyw doodle comms open starting at $15us. Maybe should've announced it earlier when I'm not complaining about the muskrat site 😅

if I can complain for a second, what's with the advertising on peoples' pages (especially larger site's pages) lately? I thought we were moving away from social media habits. and unsolicited self-promo is looked down on reg. social media, nevermind here...
murid 1 month ago

Aside from the obvious spam, it makes me wonder if there is another wave of new users lately.

tripixel 1 month ago

do you mean like neolink ads or the online-mc guy

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jade-everstone 1 month ago

@tripixel more like the onlinemc guy (I haven't seen that many neolink ads people & the few I have seen stopped after being told once)

I'll test this offsite first but I'm considering swapping my lightbox JS in the layout change for something that allows for commentary. & it seems the one I was looking to use before settling on baugette box seems to be getting QoL updates (the reason I didn't go with it for this site was descriptions breaking on mobile, which would've defeated the purpose of wanting commentary in the first place)
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jade-everstone 1 month ago

tbh commentary is one of the main things this site lacks over my social media pages, and a lot of context & thoughts get left behind when I mirror pics here. Due to the sheer volume of images onsite, not all of them will get it, but I'd like the option to add it going forward

For some reason I wasn't following you? o.o fixed it now!
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jade-everstone 1 month ago

www it's ok! Thank you!

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continuing with smaller updates for now. there's a few pages I might sunset within the next few months depending on how I feel about them. Right now it's the Video Rec Room & Webmaster pages. I lost intrest in the latter + I want to replace the webmaster page with something better looking

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Last updated 4 hours ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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