Ocean Floor Hotel

2,702 updates
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now i am aware of where the block button is
sorry abt the rage i’ll stop spamming
reclaimedbytheocean 15 hours ago

i’m still upset

i have nothing against neorings btw it’s just annoying for someone not super interested in them getting “new followers” and it’s just someone trying to fish for a follow back or to advertise a neoring like yah u can like my posts i know these types of accounts don’t like actually look at my stuff tho
all these incel 4 chan motherfuckers stay the FUCK off my page. i don’t care about nsfw on people’s sites as long as it’s something you have to click to see but to have uncensored fuckin porn all over your page following ppl barely legal with a shitton of minor fucking followers dude no what the fuck
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reclaimedbytheocean 14 hours ago

i have nothing against nsfw im no puritan but holy shit that was excessive and not only that kind of wack

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so annoying that i get excited i have new followers and it’s basically just an advertisement god fuck off
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i just blocked that person but if you can see them still please do not look at their site
reclaimedbytheocean 15 hours ago

their name is sped-callout-post(s?) don’t click that shit haha

wtf is that page that just followed me
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the drama is making people upset NOOO im not feeling nosy anymore stopp STOP FIGHTING!!!!
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i dunno what i was thinking with that old guestbook. i remember that being one of the very first things i did when i started so i think i just went with the first thing i saw.
reclaimedbytheocean 1 day ago

lemonadeocean if you’re seeing this i did start using the guestbook you use because i liked yours

lemonadeocean 1 day ago

lol honestly I dont like the one i have rn too much myself, I wanted to go with 123 guestbook but I saw they are supposedly shutting down in July???? so rip I guess

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJul 29, 2023
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