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For school I've created a small interactive artwork/website! It would be really helpful if you could explore and leave a comment!
plasticdino 1 month ago

Just a warning, it's not suitable for children. One of the pages has violent content and strong language.

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dxcccii 1 month ago

love the hate page. there is something so visceral about it... are those generated from things that were actually said as well?

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rypory 1 month ago

oooooh I really like this conceptually. Wedding vows are, in theory, super personal and human. But being blended and parroted by a bot makes the output sound shallow. The hate page is also cool in a similar way but hatred is less formal? I dunno, tl;dr cool piece :>

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plasticdino 1 month ago

@dxccci thanks for your feedback! the words on the hate page aren't taken from anything, hence why it repeats the same phrase a lot. I couldn't think of that many insults lol

plasticdino 1 month ago

@rypory thank u this is really helpful to know!

roccie 1 month ago

really just adding onto what everyone has said, but the juxtaposition between wedding vows and hate is so wonderful and sharp. something about this concept tickles my brain and i really really like it! thank you for sharing :^)

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMay 20, 2019
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rainbow art graphics cute