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Hello! I love the illustrations on your site!! I've added a link on my site, hope that's ok!
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Great site! Loved looking through the plane stats and pics. I lived in a high air traffic area all my childhood but never thought much of it, now when I'm at my parents' the noise makes me weirdly nostalgic
strangesite 1 week ago

Thanks, you too! Your site layout is awesome and I loved clicking through the links. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures and plane stats on my page, and I can understand the nostalgia, the plane noises are surprisingly calming.

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irony-machine 2 weeks ago

mmm sánguche de mila

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miq 2 weeks ago

un manjar ✌🏻

WHOA i loooooove the constellation arrangement of your site/homepage (feels kindred with my site's smile-style :,) in some sense) + looove ur art
1 like
miq 2 weeks ago

:) thank you! and yeah I see the similarity, that style is so pretty <3 your ouch theme though 👌🏻, a masterpiece

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miq 1 month ago

Just became a supporter to figure something out. Neocities doesn't support after-load connect-src from new free accounts, which means some widgets won't work (this is fairly new, I have an account that's a few months older than this one and doesn't have this issue). It's actually listed as a perk for supporters now: "Less Strict Content Security Policy."

miq 1 month ago

I haven't found anything online about if it still works once you quit being a supporter, so that's this month's experiment! I'm not too hopefull but wish me luck

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedFeb 16, 2024
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