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496 updates
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waterfall -> crowaes. i also want to announce that soon the site will be changing to 18+ only. i don't want to use the activity feed too much for updates but the age change is especially important so i want to make sure it's seen.
something i've been considering lately is changing my site name. i've been using the same username across multiple sites since i was around 16. for a while i stopped using it, but i've picked it up again. not using it here feels a little strange, especially since being chronically online as i am, that username is as important to me as my actual name in a way. so expect a change in a few days
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crowaes 10 months ago

small update. deleted the page to the old slow damage review, updated the review progress, and put a concrete date on it now that im far enough along

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crowaes 11 months ago

deleted some old reviews that weren't up to my standards and don't fit into my current niche. deleted the rss feed since i'm bad at updating it. finally, restructured the writing page so the files are way more organized and easy to find

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 13, 2022
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