Now Arriving at... Clover Atelier

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cloveratelier 1 month ago

Pretty tired as of late with the uni grind starting up again this week, here's hoping I can finish a WIP sometime soon and chuck it up here. Today's alternate blogpost title: Everybody is so nice and things are fun but I also don't know what to do about that

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inkcaps 1 month ago

Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that you're not doing well! Totally feel on you wanting to hide away, even if others are being kind. Drama within a community like your building is also hard since it can totally bring the vibe down... at least you have a trip to look forward to! Mt Fuji must be so beautiful in the spring!! Try to take care in the mean time ;w; ♡♡

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CreatedJun 24, 2023
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personal writing fanfiction anime selfshipping