❀ fairyland ❀

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

My studio's sewing nook has opened for all to see!! (and full offense it's one of the cutest pages I've made so far imo!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ )

vivarism 2 weeks ago

Oooh all the lace is so cute!!! I cant wait to see what you're making! If it's even half as charming as your webdesign, it's sure to blow me away

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@flonne ahhhh thank you!! Foollovers always comes in clutch with the cute lace trims! I'm finishing a costume this weekend so I hope to have some pictures up from that soon ;w; thank you again!!

ladyofthesea 2 weeks ago

I love seeing people's sewing projects, I can't wait to see the lovely things you have and will make 💖

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maplebear 2 weeks ago

omg so pretty!! can't wait to see your sewing~

piranhebula 2 weeks ago

The unique layouts you give to each page of your side is so fun to see everytime you add a new one! <3

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@marija ahhhh I do too, that's why I wanted to make my own page for it! But you're so sweet, thank you so much!! I'm excited to start sharing stuff! ;u;

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inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@tabi thank you so much!! My plan is to have some things to share very soon! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ ♡

inkcaps 2 weeks ago

@pira it's a ton of fun for me to come up with different layout designs, but I LOVE super cohesive websites like yours too, they're so pleasing! Thank you so much for saying so though, this made my afternoon!! ;u; ♡♡

mutterbutter 2 weeks ago

This is so cute! can't wait to see all your projects!

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inkcaps 1 week ago

@mutterbutter ahhhh thank you!! I hope to begin sharing some things later this week actually! ;u; <3

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CreatedJul 13, 2023
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