
8,803 updates
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oh my god there's more drama and it keeps on reminding me of hypnospace Aaaa
dabric 1 day ago

if you find neocities drama annoying maybe consider playing hypnospace outlaw. i can't take any drama here seriously after playing it now

marquee being removed in firefox is insane
dabric 2 days ago

waitwaitwait. im trying this now on 126.0.1 (firefox claims this is the latest) and it's still working. in fact, it's been improved and scrolls smoothly. so what's up with the reports that it was removed? is it a bug?

jackofall 2 days ago

Yeah, I've heard that a few sites' marquees have stopped functioning, and going to their site showed that, but the ones on my site are functional and smoother than before. I heard the reports a while before that newest update, and viewing the sites on that newest update shows that they are fixed, so it's probably a bug from the last update.

slaid 2 days ago

mine are a thousand times smoother than before. In fact my entire site is smoother. idk what happened

1 like
this is gonna sound very dumb but i replayed hypnospace outlaw and logged back into neocities after a while. there's some drama and my first thought was Oh my god this is just like hypnospace this guy is Literally the dumpster right now
can't believe i just did the ".@someone" thing on neocities ...
Dabric was updated.
2 weeks ago
google search having achievements so random like i got 10 clicks so i get a badge
Dabric was updated.
1 month ago
dabric 1 month ago

what is Screenjesus

dabric 1 month ago

btw, that's the user agent for neocities' browser screenshotter. before it was just chrome, now it's Screenjesus

1 like
dabric 1 month ago

apparently screenjesus is neocities' own screenshotter thing. it was removed from github but a capture of it exists:

myrrh 2 weeks ago

wait that's so interesting because I run a live radio station on my neocites site and I'm able to see what people use to listen with and I was wondering what screenjesus is for the longest time tbh. interesting that it was used to access audio though ?

dabric 2 weeks ago

@myrrh i believe the screenshotter is just a regular browser ran for like x amount of seconds, so if it autoplays it'll prolly pick it up? actually wondering what the limits to it is now...seems to do fine with 3D scenes, cross-origin requests, and even redirecting

dabric 2 weeks ago

also damn the chances of one off checking my neocities profile to see your 30min ago comment lmao

added a chatbot to the homepage lol
i've encountered people i mutually follow on neocities twice outside of neocities organically. wiichicken on the discord server, and now fileto from someone i follow on twitter retweeting. small world

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CreatedFeb 16, 2020
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