when the alchemy is acidic

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aough ive been playing planet of the apes on loop, actually such a banger
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acidicalchemist 2 weeks ago

the msi song not the movie, im sorry ginger lad

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not aimed this just came as a thought but how mad would one have to be at someone to unfollow their WEBSITE 😭😭 like bro we all in this together 😭😭
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lavenderblues 2 weeks ago

I mean it depends on why someone is following other sites. If it’s because they like the site, then unfollowing it is probably just an indicator that they aren’t really interested in the content of the site anymore and don’t want the updates on their feed anymore. If they’re following someone because they want to create a community/make friends, then yeah it means they’re either annoyed or they don’t agree with the -

lavenderblues 2 weeks ago

- personal views of the site owner. So I’d say it’s not really about being angry or anything, just about what someone is/isn’t interested in and what they might not want to support

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site trivia: cirno fumo has been my go-to placeholder image since this site’s inception! the more you know :3
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shit nvm i dont know javascript

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 22, 2023
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