a modern hamilton au

A young, scrappy, orphaned immigrant comes to New York University on a scholarship, ready to prove that he is more than anyone bargained for. His enthusiasm for student politics earns him a devoted band of friends, the most beautiful girl on campus, and a few enemies too. But the stakes get higher as he risks everything to fight for what he believes in. What becomes of the man who struggles to protect his legacy?

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?

site under development- homepage links currently dead


Meet the cast.

the story

Experience the story from the beginning.

songs and scenes

act one

act two


listen to the original broadway album on spotify

about the project

“A. Ham" was a project conceived by a person who, after enough poking and prodding, actually started working on it. She had help from another friend, the very one coding this webpage.

We did not realize how much work this would be.

colour palette