HOT: view the upcoming launch of our newest rocket! "as of 20XX we are proud to part ways with our beloved satellite missionary XX as it takes its first steps on..."

Welcome aboard to. . .


Travel among the cosmos with us and become an astronaut.


For years, space travel has captured mind and heart of humanity. As our society improves the desire and endless curiosity to explore beyond the soil we were raised in has only grown with the advancements made for rockets and robotic explorers. Today is the age of the future, the world beyond the skies is now within our reach.


Taking flight with us: Basic Information.

When you book your flight with us, youve offically become a member of our Star crew. You'll be able to pick your vehicle as well as your date and time.

Before your flight begins, you'll be given an informative Safety and Training rundown and video to ensure the best possible experience. From there, the excitement has only just begun. You'll be able to settle and relax, as well as get to know the expertly-made spacecraft, and prepare for the once in a lifetime adventure waiting for you just around the corner.