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jesus! your smiling in photographs thing scared the shit out of me.
slimysomething 1 year ago

I was going to write something there about fake smiles looking weird and how they didn't used to be normalized blah blah blah. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

0ekekddddd 1 year ago

good call. on another note i just took a moment to read a couple of your articles, and i think its on point to conclude that the internet's kind of been rendered into an antisocial space for posturing. i use reddit and i find that people don't discuss more often because they think that others won't engage or "oh, someone already talked about this" or "this is already covered somewhere else on the internet."

0ekekddddd 1 year ago

it feels like a sad truth to swallow that the internet was sort of doomed to end up like this because of archives, not to say the individual thing itself is bad.

slimysomething 1 year ago

I didn't really consider archives because most modern sites push newness and make it frustrating to access old content. And this year it seems like SEO is making it much harder to find information, I'd like more discussions to happen instead of these mass-produced articles.

slimysomething 1 year ago

Not getting any engagement could be an effect of social media trying to cater to the whole world, and algorithms burying people who don't already have a following, or go on hiatus, etc.

0ekekddddd 1 year ago

i guess i'm referring to archives in a sense like search engines and wiki articles, along with the encouragement of being a damn know-it-all and who can keep up with the news quicker. it's what it feels like in fan domains that gatekeep what qualifies as a fan of some media

slimysomething 1 year ago

Replying to the disappeared post - with social media there is no differentiation between personal content and news, just a single feed. Another subtle discouragement from being personal? Although it could just be explained as the culture of some sites.

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