Cave Part 2

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hey Kato i think your website loads a little slow on my connection. if you have the opportunity it would be nice for you to reduce the resolution of your images, or use optipng if you're on linux, because i view them very often and i don't want to choke on 30mb downloads on your page.
silvercruiser 7 years ago

mmmm thats probably a good idea, i'm used to just using idiotically high res and expecting compression (thanks twitter) but i could like go way smaller and include dropbox links instead

10kb 7 years ago

i'll hack your website for a bitcoin (also avoid hotlinking because it creates more http connections)

silvercruiser 7 years ago

you'll be doing no hacking today mr froge (also thanks for the tip)

jeremyredhead 7 years ago

I've thinking the same but didn't want to be rude; kato, my suggestions for improvment are: use smallerr, tiling version of your backgronds (ex: my bg is 470kb and lags a bit, so like no more than 250kb); generate some thumbnails for your art and link the thumbs to full or larger versions; enlargen the text on the index (i can barely read it on pc :p); maybe style the links on your links page; and be you! :)

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Last updated 7 years ago
CreatedDec 7, 2016
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cute art music