Welcome to

The Shoe Thieves Channel

The Second Gayest Blaseball Team™️!

Grab some shoes, relax!

💛 We don’t have captains in this channel, so everyone is responsible for community moderation. We are all equal and we follow our Thieves Code:

  1. Extend the benefit of the doubt
  2. Blaseball may cause us pain, but we should not cause pain to each other
  3. Do not punish others for voting. Voting strategy is not binding.
  4. Look out for each other, and look out for yourself
  5. Getaway Drivers (volunteers with 🚗 in their name or a message they post in chat) can be private messaged at anytime if you need help or support because of what's going on in chat

Please take the time to read the full version of the Thieves Code here. It is a living document and may change at times. If you have questions or suggestions, please ask!

❓ There's an FAQ on the Blaseball website you can check out here if you are new to the splort: Blaseball FAQ

📌 Everyone has pin privileges! Check out our other pins for more info and for cool fanworks!

🤫 Forbidden knowledge: Datamined info should be spoilered like ||this||, ideally labelled so we know what we're clicking on. This is server-wide. You can view this knowledge in #stats or here: SIBR Stlats. For more info please look at the post in #announcements

👋 The Shoe Thieves also have a social server if you want some chill off-topic discussions with your fellow thieves. More info and an invite can be found here: Shoe Thieves Secret Base

Who's On First?

🚗 Getaway Drivers: Getaway Drivers are volunteers to help the channels stay chill! As we do not have captains, the getaway drivers work to make sure everyone is feeling okay in the chat with regular vibe checks.
Getaway drivers are also here to help people feel more comfortable! If you feel uncomfortable, but want to stay anonamys, you can message a getaway driver so that they can bring the issue up in the channel! Your name will be kept seceret even from other getaway drivers. To become a getaway driver, simply put "!🚗" (or any other vehicle) at the start of your name.

Our current getaway drivers are: @BeeFox#7767 @Patchwork-Quilts#7604 @Good Night Leafy-head#7648 @KT Ellen#4597

👂 Ambassadors: Ambassadors are a group of representatives for the shoe thieves in server wide decisions, as we (sadly) can't have all shoe thieves in the captains chat. These people hold no extra power over other thieves, and their job is to communicate with the thieves, the captains of other teams, and the keepers, to help blaseball be a better place. Primarily they help with inter-team communiaction, for example if you are trying to get info from another team, you can ask them to communicate that! Ambassadors were chosen via thieves putting forward who they think would be a good ambassador, and then the keepers picking from that list. If you need an ambassador to pass something along, you can ping @amb - shoethieves

Our current Ambassadors are: @Needle#2098 @strongforecheck#7069 @BeeFox#7767 @Good night Leafy-head#7648 @KT Ellen#4597

#️⃣ Channels: The thieves team has three channels, more info of which can be found on these pages:

👟 General 👟
👟 Lore 👟
👟 Watchparty 👟

Note: Discord links open in browser

To get this page updated, either make a pull request to the Github or ping @BeeFox#7767