The basic rules of IJ RP apply here as they do anywhere else. We have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment, IC/OOC crossing, and plagiarism. Any triggering or NSFW content should be labeled and placed behind a cut. Simply, don't be an asshole.

We're a hub for supernatural characters and our intention in modding is to be as hands-off as possible, so it only makes sense for our application process to be easy! Journals are OOC and all we require is some basic information and a blurb!

We're super chill here. Updates aren't mandatory. However, we do encourage lots of it. Anyone's who's been inactive or hasn't updated their friends' list for two weeks wll be automatically removed. Removals will happen during the last Saturday of every month. If you need a hiatus, make sure to let us know!

Our premise/point of interest, the Luna Hotel, is admittedly inspired by the John Wick film series. Characters are more than welcome to work at the Luna Hotel and below is a list of available positions. If you'd like to have your character work here, please hold the position along with your PB.