
Mafia is a Party game of Social Deduction in which one Player, the Mafia, is tasked with killing as many Players as they can, while the remaining Players try to uncover the Mafia's identity.

If you've ever played Among Us, Town of Salem, or Flicker, think of that.


The Host is tasked with assigning Roles. Do not reveal your Role to other Players! Those with Roles can perform one Action a Round, on a Player of their choosing, by whispering to Host during the Night. The Host will relay an anonymized version of events to Players the following Day.

After the Night's Murder is discovered, Evidence (based on the Mafia's in-game Skin, e.g. dark hair or red fabric,) will be found at the crime scene.

(OPTIONAL) The Host may "/roll" for Evidence, supplying it that Day only if the roll output is within a determined threshold (e.g. 50 or more.)

The Deceased Player's Role will be revealed and said Deceased can no longer perform Actions.

At the end of each Day, Players may vote to go back to Sleep, commencing the next Night, or begin Trial.


The Host will lead Players to a Trial room, within which Players whisper the Host which Player they believe is the Mafia.

The Player that receives the most votes is put on Trial and must convince the remaining Players of their innocence. (This may be timed.)

Once each Player has made their decision, they can move to one of two marked spots, 'Guilty' or 'Not Guilty' to cast their final verdict.

If the majority vote Guilty, the Player on Trial will be Executed, and deemed Deceased, revealing their Role; If the majority vote Not Guilty, the Player will live.

The game ends upon either the Execution of Mafia, or the Murder of all except 2-3 Players (including Mafia.)


Formatted as 'Role: Action'

Primary Roles:

Secondary Roles:

All of these are Optional, and their inclusion is typically voted on by the Players

(OPTIONAL) Jester's Revenge: If the Jester is Eliminated, they may kill one Player.

Typically, the Player will die if they fail to adhere to their Curse, but this may not be enforced. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(OPTIONAL) Soulmate: If one Player in the Pairing is killed, the other Player in the Pairing dies as well.
(OPTIONAL) Reverse Soulmate: If one Player in the Pairing is killed, the other Player in the Pairing dies instead.