Hello! You've opened this gate in order to access my website. As you can see below, my initial URL is really long and I've gotten complaints about this from cowards who don't know how to use the internet. If you want to skip the exposition, I've got your address right here:

MY HOMEPAGE: 0ekekddddd.neocities.org

To get things out the way:

  1. Yes, I understand my website url is long and suspicious. I made my homepage without a URL in mind and can memorize the first keysmash bits quite well as proof.
  2. Yes, I know the UI looks outdated. There are no "IP grabbers" attached to any section of my website. I only know basic HTML/CSS and about zero scripts.

Here are some cool previews of my awesome homepage.

Any inquiries go to 0ekekddddd@protonmail.com.