Welcome to the Text-Chat RP Archive!

If you found this website by accident, the things on here might not make much sense. This is an archive of a bunch of RPs from an old Discord server me and some friends were on. If you'd like to read through our old RPs, go ahead! This homepage, in all honesty, Does Not Look Great, but the service I used to download the chat logs made some much nicer looking HTML files, so that's cool.

Warning! Contains mature content! Read at your own risk!


Hellenistic Forge and Cosmic Forge

Note: This was archived at an earlier point, and was not split into parts.


Note: This was archived at an earlier point, and was not split into parts.


Analog Sunsets

Chartreuse Usurper
Forged Esoterica v1

Note: This was archived at an earlier point, and was not split into parts.

Forged Esoterica v2
The Overlap Project
Visions of Victory



Note: This was continued from a oneshot.

Celestial Dawn Fool's Deck Mimic in Green Nebulous Dusk Queen of Hearts

Note: This was continued from a oneshot.

Reduce Reuse Recycle Royal Flush Silverbell

Note: This was archived at an earlier point, and was not split into parts.



Note: This was archived at an earlier point, and was not split into parts.

Stream The Divine Archipelago The Muse and the Lord Winter Queen



Scrolls and Daedra

Sparked The Tower