real pro gamer

2nd revision

other pages

more coming soon i promise


здарoва, как дела?

short list of stuff

yeah so i am nokingnico, otherwise known as f1g/f1gmentation on other platforms and λ on discord and also sometimes ethereal

(only sometimes known as ethereal, it may just be another random ass person and NOT me lel)

but anyways, welcome to my website! i will be using this as like a way to show stuff off idk lmao

this is low quality website, but it's mine.

so please commit sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root / if you think otherwise

^ wow guys aha funny linux joke!11!!!

here's a short list of my fav games

half life scientist bouncing up and down

this page stolen borrowed from eggramen, by the de_nuke enthusiasts

update section

(dates are in dd/mm/yy)

22/2/25: forgot about this, will be editing it slowly i guess because i have school now lel

1/2/25: finally updated my website to look okay-ish