What dwells in the depths?

In our modern age, it can feel as though there is nothing left to discover on our planet. No territory has been left unclaimed, and not even the most remote of deserts, thickest of jungles, or highest mountains have been left uncharted. However, there in fact remains one significant part of the Earth that has always vexed us, and still remains deeply mysterious even to this day: the ocean. It has been said that we understand the surface of the moon better than we understand the bottom of the ocean. In all the research that has been done to understand Earth's seas, we have accumulated what amounts to only small glances upon a world that seems as alien to us as we could ever imagine to find on other planets. It is my goal with this website to provide my visitors with information on some of the stranger phenomena observed in this alien world, especially that which at the moment seems to be poorly understand by science. We have all seen the likes of anglerfish and giant squids, and there is much better information out there about these animals than I could ever provide. I am not a scientist, just a hobbyist with a passion for the weird world of the deep sea.


Magnapinna aka Bigfin Squid
Abyss angels
Submerged Houses