links & other pages

"Legends say that legends suuuuuuuuuuckkkkk[[[[[[[ — From the Great 98 Daiboukens of Dthyz (from my head)

welcome to dthyz's website! i'm finally trying to make everything here work :) here's a little dev log (is it called that or am i stupid?

click here to learn about dthyz and who he is and his insane ideas




Time to get this place ready for christmas! as you can see I've already placed... one christmas themed divider on this website

And now since i can't find any christmas lights that aren't pay to downlad, i just had to make them myself


I'm literally so new to all of this website stuff. i don't know anything. btw if you think that coding a webpage on a phone is easy please reconsider your whole life. hope today i'll finish making a page with my art


css is so fun. you can literally name something .gloob and .shloob and add some properties and it somehow works. no limitations to .p-1 .sidebar-right. so much freedom :) oh hey also first... post? can i call it a post if it's literally baked into the websire?