▐ Matthew A. Myers | Math | Computer Science | Notable | Translations | CV |Contact

"We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them."-William Arthur Ward

A Bit About Mr. Myers

Myers is a jack of all trades, having experience in multiple areas. He has taken classes to back his experience in different fields such as welding, carpentry, computer applications, and more. He is willing to learn, and learns quickly.

Contact info: ti89myers@gmail.com
Or, you can hail him when you see “Head’N Out” on VHF channel 9

Employment Status: Seeking. Myers is a jack of all trades and learns fast! Check out his Resumé. Non-profits seeking unpaid volunteer labor are welcome to contact him for temporary assistance right now.

This Week's Reading

A cover of a book. The book is 'Carrots Love Tomatoes, Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening' by Lousie Riotte. These words are typeset over a background of colorful vegetables, including beets, onions, carrots, and tomatoes.

Carrots Love Tomatoes

by Louise Riotte

A cover of a book. The book is 'The Dragonriders of Pern,' by Anne McCaffrey. On it is a painting, in a classic sci-fi style, of two dragons flying over mountains, with one person sitting on each's back.

Dragonriders of Pern

by Anne McCaffrey

Current Events

I’m on the hard right now, so I’m not monitoring the VHF. Time to overhaul the boat and get her back in the water after I upgrade the electrical system with a solar array and battery system.

My sister is getting the better end of the deal from letting me work on my boat in her yard. She has me homeschooling her kids and turning her acreage into a farm to earn my keep. All those vocational skills I’ve learned are useful as I terrace hills and construct outbuildings.

I’m still finding time to upgrade and expand the Prison Education Report that was a college research project. I’m gathering information from the colleges this time, rather from prison staff, and expanding it to cover every state.

Still no news on whether the University of Chicago will let me start a correspondence course to teach programming to prisoners using programmable calculators. [link]

Solar AVM, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Ahunt, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.