
We are "The Mossy Consortium" system, we created this neocities website as an alternative to Carrd that would allow us to have more control over how things are laid out and have more information avaiable for people who are interested enough to click the link.

For people that know us personally you can always DM us on discord (likely where you found this website) if you have any questions for us or need to check a members profile that isn't listed anywhere.

Even for people that don't know us you can always ping or message us if you do have any questions, we're always open to educating people and explaining things. Please remember that every system and even every alter within a system will have different boundaries so when possible try to check.

We are strongly pro-endo and pro-tulpa (essentially pro plurality) so our information will be heavily skewed towards that. Despite this we are NOT going to engage in system discourse. We can exist peacefully with sysmeds and anti-endos however we don't want to engage in arguments and complex discourse. Please respect this.

Website was last updated 11/03/2023 at 02:56 GMT