Hi there!!

I'm Kevin/Xander/Victor or Molars as I'm known on the internet ::) I'm a masculine-leaning nonbinary person going to GHAAHD

I have a love for the old internet, empathy for all creepy crawlies, and an interest in mortuary sciences! You'll definetly see that around this site!

oh god what is this monstrosity

You needn't fear! this is indeed my portfolio, I just made it to represent me. I spend a lot of time browsing the web, and I think that sites like this, which used to be very common, should still be! webpages decorated with art and shrines and gifs are special to me, whenever I see them it makes me remember a human being made it, a feeling i dont get from a lot of the barren, corperate sites today. Besides I express myself just as freely with my clothes and makeup as I do my sites, if you can't handle this, you most certainly wont handle meeting me!


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