Welcome to LEVIAWIKI

Leviathan takes place in a fictional world set in 1942. In a world with otherworldy beasts and horrific death a common acceptance, Humanity is pushed to the brim to earn their right to live.

This Site Is a huge work in progress.

What is This?

Leviathan is a combination of the best parts of different worlds ive created throughout my life. Its currently an absolute clusterfuck in heavy development, but If i didnt love developing it then I wouldnt be here.
Ive learned so much in the past couple of years when it comes to world creation, so this is my go at making da coolest, most epicest awesomesauce world youve ever did seen.

...More practically, I am a huge character creator. They come to me in ancient visions. So, naturally they've gotta come from somewhere, right? Thats where this comes into play. Leviathan is a massive playground for them to be mischevious in, a setting for me to eventually write stories in.

TLDR its frickin epic lois!

Recent Updates

  • 2024-4-22: Added Sitemap. Thank god. Also add City Pages for Neuliver and Saint edin and Verlin- seperating the three of them
  • 2024-4-17: REHAUL BITCH