
This is my little corner of the internet!

Yup, I put together this silly little website, because why not? Hopefully, in the future, it will be MUCH more polished or even under a different domain. Until then, this is simply a cute lil' placeholder! All my social media links should be here. You may find them at the top of this page, neatly ordered on the navigation bar! If you're looking for any of my Friday Night Funkin' mods or similar content for whatever reason, then please refer to my GameBanana page.

If you'd like to reach out to me, then preferrably reach out to me on Twitter and shoot me a direct message there. Otherwise, you can try and contact me on Discord if that's more comfortable to you, as I'm on there 24/7. You can find me in my Discord server, which should also be in the navigation bar.

Thank you for visiting!