Hello, and welcome to the webbed site I'm building! Click the header above to open the navigation sidebar. If you're reading this on a particularly small phone, you may want to put it in landscape mode, while on screens larger than 2560 x 1440, you might want to zoom in a bit. Anyway, this main page will serve as a hub for (links to) my stuff on the internet, and provide some basic information about me.

I'm a 25-year old trans lesbian and professional amateur. Writing, drawing, programming: you name it, I'll try it and (maybe, eventually) be okay at it... as long as it's something I can do on the computer, my first and greatest love. Aside from my lovely wife, of course! My second-greatest love is tied between videogames, Pathfinder, and run-on sentences; check out some of the latter two in my 3rd-party PF2e book, Life's Horizons!

Currently, I'm mainly using this site to figure out HTML. But also dialogue! Click on the 'R&R' link here or in the sidebar to learn more about (and read) the story I've been writing. I mean, where's a girl supposed to host her original writing these days? Somewhere people can find it, like Wattpad or AO3 or whatever? Fucking, uhhhh... Pastebin? No way! I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Neocities. A website where the writer would not fear anyone else's font or layout decisions. Where I could give the text funny colors. Where everything would be a little bit clunky because I've never programmed anything before.

As of 12/2023, I'm re-writing R&R... this time with something akin to a storyboard instead of divine inspiration just doing what feels right. The first few chapters are done, with only some small passages remaining from the first draft.

Find me on...

Tumblr: fluffysheeple

Discord: fluffuloid