

a collection of interests

hi hi! here's yet another neocities page of things i like and want to share. i started my first page with the intent of sharing the penpal letters i've been writing for a few years now but discovered i really enjoyed sharing everything else, too. i like to think im good at finding niche things to share as i spend a good amount of time digging through used bookstores/estate sale/thrift shops and don't have the most discerning taste. if it's cheap and looks interesting im probably taking it home! so here's an attempt to share more of that


  • 03/11/23: picked up some vinyl, cassette tapes and VHS tapes from a local estate sale that i'll be going through today! the VHS seem to be a lot of 90s concerts which im excited to dig into

cat tax

a photo of fennel, a black and grey cat with large green eyes, rubbing her cheek on a wall and looking directly at the camera