
Danger! "This is the most important election in history. Our democracy and survival is on the line. Go out and vote as soon as you can!"

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Welcome to the official New Guomindang Party website

Welcome to the official party website for the New Guomindang, serving the interests of humanity since 1919!

Sun Yat-Sen
Zou Rong

Under the sight of Sun-Yat-Sen and Zou Rong, the GMD has fought and won against the imperialist tyrants of Qing and Japan

Xin Rong

Under the sight of Xin Rong, the GMD will continue to fight to defend the common interests of humanity in the halls of power

Banners of Blue and White hang from the rafters, the legacy of the defenders of Tridemism continue in the hearts of the willing.

Our affiliates!