@direvalley (briar)


wholly self-indulgent author, artist, animator, musician – amongst other things

!! occasional mature themes (16+) !!

> busy with exams

my only socials






oc doodle


OC lineup! from left to right is Faris, Teagan, Warbler, Marina, and Morgan


made a sona! design is still being tweaked lol. ignore how he doesnt have hands pls


late night oc doodles w new brush


made the most perfect ocs ever. likeit would be a crime not to make a tv show or a visual novel from my ocs. Coral Bryant I love you


thinking about how i started to make the most god tier peice of art of alexander the great and then just stopped


"Hello there."

not the most happy with it, but this is some fanart i made for a billford fic that i enjoyed


sometimes i feel like how women are characterized in fiction is so so sad and then i remember extracts from adams diary by mark twain and cry. likeWOW…i mean this is a piece of literature that was written in 1904


my writing has been more self indulgent lately and i'm having a lot of stress about posting it…on one hand i want to stay true to myself and write things i enjoy, but on the other hand i want other people to love what i make. ugh


yesterday I had to dress formally for an event and so I was wearing these shoes which exposed the front part of my foot. the issue is that I have an absolutely devastating sock tanline. so, as one does, I grabbed my bronzer and went to town. this was surprisingly effective.


just watched the last episode of invincible (s2e8) and HOLYYY SHIT…Goddamn. Watching Anissa beat the shit out of Mark was eye opening. wow. Like I didn't even know you could DO THAT in writing. wowwowowowowwow. I will be thinking about this for a while


Bill + Ford interaction draft

“If I ever had the fortune– well, perhaps misfortune– of laying eyes on a four-dimensional being, I think I’d draw it. Though I imagine it’s just an extrapolated 3D, is it not?”

“Bold of you to assume you’d perceive a 4D being as it appears to itself.”

“You’ve mentioned having origins in a 2D world, and you perceive me as three dimensional– so naturally–”

“You think I perceive you as three dimensional?”

Ford paused, “You don’t?

“It’d take too long to explain to you the complexity of how I perceive your backwards realm.”

“Give me the synapsis.”


“Fair enough.” Ford made a mental note to document that later.


oc concept tests/body type experimentation. Also i've realized i've been having a lot of dreams lately. I may make a 'dream journal' segment for my site


had a hyperrealistic dream last night in which i was petting a deer and it was responding affectionately. this morning there is a deer in my backyard with like 1/4 of its right hind leg missing (does not look/behave as if it is injured though. maybe the wound has healed or it was just born like that). is this some kind of symbolism? anyways my mom put out corn for it. hope he/she is ok


hey. totally not rethinking my life. you ever get a response to something that feels like you got punched in the stomach real hard? like oh shit wait


random but i had a dream last night that i had a toddler aged little sister and she kept asking me why an old cat i used to have had to die (except she never used the word "die" she just always said "went away" which made it worse somehow) and i hugged her very tight and when i woke up i could feel myself holding something warm but nothing was there


oc class doodles


starting a comic


sona vs actuality (ignore the poor cropping) - picrew by @bananahkim on tumblr/insta


"the state of our nation" wip


fuckass life comic wip


i feel a bit like donald trump on that fucking website he has. something social?? when i post about politics here so i am going to stop


thinking about writing an essay where i explain (as someone who lives in the south) that the reason right wing people especially have batshit insane opinions, is not (necessarily) because they're as morally bankrupt as one would think, but instead because they're taught completely different definitions of the same concepts

for example, right wingers who go on and on about "socialism bad" are not saying that because they've viewed socialism from all angles and decided it was bad, but because they're taught that socialism is something completely different from how say someone who recieves a formal education (or a european whose government has some socialist policies) would define socialism

so in my mind socialism(on a smaller scale)=public libraries, free healthcare, inexpensive government owned/mandated public transportation; and in their mind socialism="communist" dictatorship, nazis (emphasis on the fact that the nazis were not socialist!)


I asked one of my bffs (about 3 years younger than I am and an avid reader) for writing advice and one thing they suggested was to make designs for my characters (they don't know that i art) and they sent some of their own character designs for reference.

this is really nice of them! and their art is super cute! (and genuinely better than mine when I was their age) but they were sort of condescending about it (not in a bad way-- just as in they assume themselves to be more artistically experienced than I am and treat me as such - and I'm too out of it to find a better word than 'patronizing' or 'condescending' that doesn't have negative connotation)

and I'm afraid I'll wind up in a scenario where I have to send them my art and they'll be super crushed when my art is somewhat more developed than theirs (as a result of being older=more experience. their art is very good for their age!)


thinking about making a comic about my fuckass life. like things need to stop happening to me RIGHT NOW


another Muna doodle + other ocs… not sure if i like the big guy with horns or not yet…I want something that'll make him a distinguishable character


both of these headcanons are insane???and i'm totally stealing them. u ever been so mad u didn't think of something first?!?! like especially Stan having NERVE DAMAGE from punching Bill ougughghghgughg(credit to @headcanonfalls on tumblr)


men just cannot handle my advanced humor! (basic sarcasm)


soos is such an underrated character in the fandom…I hope one day to write a serious soos-centric fic. but god, the amount of fics on ao3 where soos is treated as a serious/important character (though I do acknowledge that he is almost exclusively a comic relief character in the show) is saddening


I am the opposite of whatever claustrophobic is. I LOVE small enclosed spaces!!! ESPECIALLY if they are dark...Like at some point I'd like to be able to like lie down and stuff…BUT OTHERWISE! Please put me in a cardboard box


my arch nemesis/mortal enemy may or may not be a neo-nazi…It's unclear, but concerning


My mortal enemy is this girl (who I will nickname Faith) who is like 2-3 years younger than I am and is basically the female reincarnation of Gideon Gleeful.

(PICTURED: accurate representation of me vs Faith)


fiddauthor but its just me projecting onto my bff. except i am fiddleford :( friend has no idea how cool and smart and amazing i think they are


the future awaits and it is terrifying. but for now I have created a small replica of heaven


went to the fourth dimension and it was totally wack bro. why do we devolve into classist bullies? is it the natural human condition?


very sad about jouralism dying. very not fun. if i am ever a billionare, i will revive journalism i promise


happy birthday oscar isaac. you are very attractive


me defending myself against math module 2

3/9/24 - 12:27

what the actual fuck was math module 2

3/9/24 - 8:00

taking my SATs wish me luck


more oc concept art


first draft for a comic lol. i am changing some character design things so this will have to be done over


bad oc doodles....


I appreciate that Eda the owl lady was just consistently a fantastic character from beginning to end. Top tier character holy shit wow. From character design, to voice acting…Literally perfect. Never questioned anything about her character.


the class clown kid in my class was going on and on abt how hot megan fox is and my english teacher straight up called her the t slur …WHAT … and then she proceeded do go on a rant about how the covid vaccines killed more people than covid did…Lordhelp me


unfinished older Dipper+Mabel fic that will likely never be expanded upon

Senioritis was ass. Dipper would rather plunge a knife into his abdomen and twirl it around than be forced to suffer even another month of school.

Mable said it was simply a crawl to the finish line–
“All you have to do is survive the next couple of weeks! What? You’re a 'top student! It’s not like they’re going to rescind their offers if you make one C.”
Dipper shuddered at the thought of making below a 90 on anything.

Though, as usual, Mabel was right– his accomplishments were undeniable:
A 1540 SAT score, 5 in AP studio art (Thanks Mabel!), 5 in AP Human Geography, 5 in AP World, 4 in AP Chem (He cried with relief that it wasn’t lower.), and a couple of volunteering hours had scored him offers from Berkley, West Coast Tech (Grunkle Ford called to congratulate him on this one), Caltech, and even Brown.
He had it made.
But he promised he wouldn’t go anywhere where Mabel didn’t get in. And Dipper promised not to break the promise. The pair have been practically stitched at the hip their whole lives and they’re stronger because of it. At this point Dipper wasn’t sure he’d survive if he was away from Mabel for more than a week. 

When Mabel got into RISD Dipper’s future was settled. --Brown was practically less than a five minute walk!

It took one more Saturday morning spent hunched over a desk filling in fifty questions worth of bubbles and it was over. The second the answer sheet was lifted from his desk, Dipper felt a sense of reprieve like no other. Every almost-suicidal thought he’d ever had washed off of him like sand in the ocean. The last final. The end of highschool and every ounce of suffering it entails.

Dipper walked out the doors of Piedmont High School a triumphant, unstoppable man.

…Or so he thought.
An unopened email hung ominously in his inbox.


Dipper Pines,
After reviewing your portfolio, Brown University deems your submitted portfolio Insufficient for admission into entry level film class. 

Details for an adequate Visual Arts portfolio can be found here: https://admission.brown.edu/first-year/supplementary-materials

15 Image Requirement COMPLETED
Short-Film MISSING
(reminder: short film must be a minimum of 30 minutes)

Please submit updated portfolio by 8/31/18
or your position may be reconsidered by Brown University Administration.

 Please direct all questions to…


…What? Missing? 


Dipper’s Guide to The Unexplained was hardly the type of material Dipper felt comfortable submitting to the ivy leagues. 12 year old Dipper rambling incoherent junk about forest monsters and the blurriest, shakiest footage that shouldn’t have even been possible with a tripod? Yeah, no thank you.
But the mystery of Gravity Falls was the type of material that could take him from entry-level film class to film 101, if not make him eligible for scholarships. Never-Before-Seen clear footage of actual legendary creatures? Who needs the ivies with that on your resume?!

This didn’t need to be a setback, but an opportunity.

And he had…Until the end of summer.

Ah, summer break. A time for leisure, recreation, and takin er’ easy.
And a red-eyed ten hour car ride.
Sweet Caroline blasted at an ear-splitting volume from the van’s dusty radio. Mabel bounced up and down in the driver's seat, making sure to emphasize each ‘BOM BOM BOM’ as loudly as she possibly could.
Dipper gave up on his dreams of getting any sleep the moment he entered the vehicle. 
He officially got his license last year, but his parents still didn’t trust him to drive on the highways. Somehow, they decided Mabel was the better candidate.
It was technically her van, so she gets the final say in who drives. Dipper would argue that it was supposed to be both of their van, but the DIY redecorating of pink carpeting, flashing rainbow LED lights (probably illegal!), and plethora of boyband stickers plastered in random locations throughout the interior mark the property to the owner.

Mile after mile, bumpy road after bumpy road, the weight of the day caught up to Dipper and he decided if he didn’t sleep his eyes would roll out of their sockets. He thanked god that he didn’t forget to bring his noise-Canceling headphones. Putting them on, he was going to tell Mabel that it was okay if she needed to pull over and doze, but when he looked over, she was frighteningly awake, mouthing the words to a Katy Perry song like her life depended on it. Dipper wondered briefly if she’d accidentally taken a second dose of adderall. 
Slightly concerned, Dipper smiled, reclining his seat and playing rain sounds as loudly as his headphones would let him. 

Dipper awoke by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him back and forth. He begrudgingly opened his eyes and took off his headphones, ready to whine about how she never lets him sleep, before Mabel's arm struck out past him, pointing towards the passenger window. Dipper craned his head.

In the blue nighttime haze, the water tower loomed above even the tallest pine trees, standing erect in majestic grandeur. 

GRAVITY FALLS– the text on it read, greeting the twins. Instantly, Dipper felt more at home than he ever did in California. The azure sky illuminated briefly with the white glare of fireflies (Or was it fairies? Dipper could never tell.). He felt welcomed, as if Gravity Falls 
A pillar 
You belong here
Six summers of this and it somehow never got old.


Amphibia character design >>>


UNFINISHED Ford + Stan arguing draft for a fic:

“Your theory is wrong, by the way.”
Ford snaps his neck around.
“Weirdness magnetism, it’s wrong.”
“Stanley, what the hell are you talking about?”
For example, why would that even matter at a time like this?


Ford looks dumbfounded
“If you place two magnets next to each other, what happens?”
“They’re drawn towards each other–” Stan rolls his eyes as Ford speaks
“That’s wrong–”
“No it isn’t.”
“The opposite ends of magnets are drawn towards each other– the similar ends repel.
“Weird things aren’t attracted to Gravity Falls because Gravity falls is weird. And they aren’t attracted to Gravity Falls because it's outstandingly normal, either– that’s paradoxical. Your theory is wrong.”

“What are you even trying to say–?”

“I’M SAYING that I spent thirty years rebuilding your stupid portal all by myself! I’ve read 
Every crossed out word
And eluded the IRS 
I threw myself so deep into your nerd-world that I began to spot mistakes– obvious mistakes, oversights you made in your own dumb handwriting.
Stanford, I lied for a living– literally and figuratively! You think I can’t see right through my own brother!? That It’s not blatantly obvious to me that you’re lying? Oh my god. Look pal, either tell me what’s going on or you can shove this Antarctic fairytale up your ass.”

Ford’s fingers curl around his notepad intensely, stiff with the weight of Stan’s folded arms and frowning mouth.

“I– can’t.” It’s almost a whine.

“Why not?” Stan demands.

“You’re so happy. I want you to be happy, Stanley–” 

“You want to make me happy? Then be honest.”

“I–” Ford couldn’t bear Stan’s expectant glare any longer and broke eye contact, choosing to stare at the floor instead.

When he looked back up again, Stan was gone, the room was quiet and the cabin door swung lightly behind him.

“Stan– Stan I’m sorry–”

3/7/24 - 12:51PM

More amphibia thoughts to get out of my system:

It actually makes a lot of sense that the main trio were supposed to be 16/17 because S1 I was heavily relating-- and then Anne was like. Oh I'm 13. And I was like ??? girl...You are at a different emotional stage in your life than a 13 year old girl. Though I feel like late S2 amd in S3 they were more explicitly 13

Grime and Sasha's dynamic is so cool to me. I love male / female relationships where they have a genuine appreciation and love for each other!!! And it doesn't have to be a "toxic romance"/unhealthy family dynamic to do so (no hate against those dynamics. those can be great). But I genuinely love that Sasha LOVES Grime for his leaderships skills and finds his stubborn-mindedness adorable; and I love that Grime doesn't have a false idea of Sasha-- and loves her for WHO SHE IS. Aghh...

3/7/24 - 12:43PM

Amphibia ending made me sad (though maybe that was the point). Idk...A part of me really disliked that Anne, Sasha, and Marcy drifted apart after middle school-- like?? did yall not save the world together. That's a lifelong bond thing. Ig I projected my own relationships onto the trio and was like wtf??? um??? this is too real for my liking. I do like that they'll have a chance to bond as adults, but all that is really just implied and left up to headcanons.

I'm not equating dislike=bad writing because that is not the case at all! In fact I really believe that Amphibia *is* well written (it gets a lot of criticism for the ending but genuinely I think it did a great job tying so many loose ends considering that it was under the oppression of both fans expectations and disneys censorship) I just hate feeling so sad when I think about a TV show.

Also when I was looking for criticism of the ending on Reddit, a parent had said that their son was very distraught over the fact that Anne and Sprig would never see eachother again and...Bro...I didn't even think about how little kids would interpret shit like that. That is actually heartbreaking.

3/7/24 - 12:37PM

when Grime got his arm cut off I genuinely thought he was dead and starting BAWLING my eyes out. he was literally the best character I was going to stop watching right then and there and then oh...he's alive. oops. that's embarrassing.

3/6/24 - 1:58PM

thinking about how cool it is that even though sprig and polly are technically adopted, sprig is still clearly supposed to parallel lief-- indirectly implying that found family is still a REAL family. idk. love this show

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my art! (click to open full image)


shoot me questions, ideas, or requests through retrospring and I'll implement some of the cooler ones ones here ♥

> ask
