DISCLAIMER (10/06/2024):
Hello, internauts! After years and years, I've finally given this site a new home and a redemption arc! Come to the vastly-updated version of the site, toni.zone, for more posts, more easter eggs and more fun!
Hello, internauts! My name is Daytona and it looks like you've just stumbled upon my personal website! This place is where all of my creative output, be it mastery or vomit, GOES!!! I also made it to further pin down a sort of aesthetic for myself, improve my web design skills, and serve as a sort of safe haven of mine from the awful social media websites of the modern day (yuck.) Just about whoever you are, I really hope you enjoy your stay and find everything you need to in my neck of the woods!
And if you have anything to scream and cry at me about, talk to me! I love you and I'd be happy to chat!! Have lots and lots of fun, and if you're looking for something else, maybe it could be FizzyPepper Games, the website for my game development startup, where I promote and store my video games (be them released already or not!) Click on the fizzy pepper in the top-right corner to venture off, and please remember, both websites are best viewed on a computer monitor!!! ❤
Feed / Updates!
Hey, sorry there's not so much here yet! It's just because our adventures on these new horizons are just starting! As I start getting used to this, though, it's probably gonna be updating a lot more often!
- [10/23/21] Hi hi hi!!! Sorry I haven't been updating here much. I've been super duper focused on music, and having a lot of fun with it, but I'm gonna get the ball rolling a little more pretty soon here! In the meantime, why don't you listen to the tracks I've been dropping on Bandcamp? Love yall as always! ❤
- [06/16/21] Hooray! I just finished my first big piece of substantial content on this website, the Smash Bros. Ranked from Most Serious to Silliest list! I have more ranked lists on the backburner that are nearing completion, but they're probably not gonna be on the site for a while. Enjoy!
- [06/09/21] The website isn't quite done yet--I don't think that's really gonna be the case until I have all the links working and each tab in the navbar has at least some content, but I redesigned the spotlight section! What do you think?
- [06/04/21] FINALLY finishing up the website revamp. I started in October of last year and I've been meaning to get to it ever since--does it look okay? It's not quite all there yet, but we're getting there!