CDP1802's Stuff

Computers Music Games Photography Conventions blog

Random Ideas // 28.04.2024

Well, development on a piece of homebrew is actually moving for once in good gosh, since I did the 9801C? There's a project I should release, I sold a few... that's off-track. So yeah, some software is being done. I settled on doing a T&E Soft, y'know those Daiva games? That space series where they did like seven or eight games on different platforms that all relate to each-other? Well, since doing the VN/Mac game will be way too much in the time I have right now, I figured doing prequels to 'em would be kinda neat. Make one for a platform that covers some part of the story and teaches me about X, do another for something else that teaches Y, on and on and on. This one will be Apple II, designed kinda like an On-Line Hi-Resolution Adventure title, have some sort of Mockingboard music, and be about something related to a particle accelerator. Work on an "engine" started two days ago, a mix of Applesoft and ASM, and hopefully it's neat? I think it should be neat.

On the idea of ideas moving, the idea of doing anything proper with nutrition is finally happening because good gosh I feel kinda crappy since starting to work out. You'd think I'd be sleeping better since I'm more tired, right? Nah, my body forces me up at 5.5hrs out no matter what and I'm just wiped for the day, going back to bed is a flip of a coin. I feel almost consistently hungry, it gets almost painful at points, and I know doc said I need to eat more to offset burning more but it's like a "I need to have something every 4-5hrs" feeling. I guess I kinda know the answer to that, I barely meet how many calories they say I need and the calories I eat aren't really great... I went out of my way to compile a good 100ish recipes that sound pleasant, push me to make some new flavors, and aren't just fried stuff with sugar that I know I won't be able to control myself on. Time to see how it goes, gym 4x a week has been solid so maybe this can be as well?

Word got to me that I guess the "we'll know if we can/can't" for electrical at CGC '24 is going to be July of this year. I really don't like waiting that long to book a space, I know yeah yeah I got a table a month before it in '22 so I don't really need to worry but nah, I'm going to worry because it's who I am. Because all that, so that I'm ready in case things are gonna happen, I guess I'll just keep pretending that I'm booked to go and hit them up again two months from now. If they say I can run a table with electrical? Sweet, I'm in. If not? I'll be honest, I don't really want to run a table that's just sales so h*ck me I guess and I'll see if PGX has any openings else I just won't do a show this year and be sad about it.

I've been doing too much "be sad about it" recently. I hope to change that, I've felt like a complete drag in the spaces I'm present at for a minute now and I don't want to slip into self-hate, but I don't know exactly how to go about changing it. Hopefully the way shows itself in time...

email: cosmac(at)
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