CDP1802's Stuff

Computers Music Games Photography Conventions blog

Power Supplies // 05.05.2024

This weekend has been pretty funny, all I've been doing is working on or replacing power supplies. The Apple II+? No more big brass brick that keeps going unstable and frying my 4116s, we've got a PicoPSU in there. Coal's Kaypro II? Everyone said the old box was more than reliable but hers kept being spotty even after a recap and some new diodes, there's a Mean Well RT-85 in its place. The ZX81? I didn't have a good supply for it but I found a very crappy Pong supply and made a pigtail for adapting a Genesis 1 PSU. The LSI-11 industrial cabinet? I finally got the top back on its box and my oh my does that thing push air across the cards. My PC-9801UV2? I'm in the PU106 right now. There are parts in my Mouser cart for the Mac SE and the MZ-80K2 that gets shipped out of Japan tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll work on the if800 in a minute here, I'd love to see if I can't get a video signal out of that beast...

I finally hit a little inspiration to get working on a few pages today so I put a Game Boy page out, I changed the EMT-1 page to be a whole Yamaha Sound Expander family joint, and I've got a draft in progress for my Apple II+. I also wrote some frustrations out in the Conventions section, praying the CGC people return any attmept at contact I've made. It ain't a ton but hey, it's more than just updating this bit right here.

Homebrew game stuff is going pretty alright, I've never worked with DOS 3.3 all too much on the Apple IIs but it seems like it's the way to go with this adventure game idea, storing things like screens of graphics as little binary data files which the engine can call sounds smarter than just packing a whole game's worth of graphics into one massively long file that eats all the RAM at once. Hopefully figuring it out ain't too bad? I'll be honest, I've never really done multi-file programs before apart from things in college compsci courses. Nothing wrong with learning now I guess. Did I mention I got 300 DSDD disks in the mail? heh.

Remember the idea I've talked about before with streaming fixing old systems up? I might go finally grab some stuff and try that out soon. I'll post about it whenever it starts happening.

I guess I ain't got too much to say so I'll get back to what I was doing. Thanks for stopping by.

email: cosmac(at)
discord: cdp
coal's server: URGbuzDcvv