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so one of my 2TB drives is just being annoying right now lol. I think its the cable not the drive itself tho, so thats good-ish as i just need to get a new cable. I'm going to get the non-existent amount of data off it soon just in case
dc-blog 3 hours ago

USB HHD moments, even 3.0 ones arent the best. Whatever tho, i'll figure it out soon. Also i find it funny whenever a computer has actual ports meaning i can plug in more than 1 or 2 things, makes it very easy to use tbh

ive begun to mass archive's website, lets see how terribly this goes
dc-blog 4 hours ago

some things i dont know if i can see logged out. if i cant, whatever LOL. if i can technically view all the posts logged out, then i should be good tho.

I discovered what httrack is and now i might be able to mass archive website in any efficient manner, seriously i can turn this on then just download everything as long as the webhost doesnt KILL me
1h until my website starts saying "I *trans heart* Faggots" instead of saying "I <3 Aryans UwU"
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dc-blog 6 hours ago

ok but seriously i refuse javascript so im not doing even a joke gay-theme. May still add rainbow text tho for the memes, although only after gay-month

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dc-blog 5 hours ago

Not because I think it'll support the gays but because I'm pretty sure I'm just going to procrastinate all month instead

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Revelation 22:13 is an extremely based quote
Being able to read+write Ancient Greek and Latin fluently within a few months or years will make me feel like I've ascended to hyperborea emo-Aryanism at last.
thx for the follow :D
Making a website button for right now so yay
dc-blog 19 hours ago

and goddamn our host is still down- may try to self-host it but only if i can do it soon, idk i'll see. i have a laptop with plenty of ram to do something like this which i wouldnt mind overwriting Windows on tho, i'll just need to manage drives to see if there is anything i need to move first

dc-blog 19 hours ago

if i do something like this btw, Venith will have a TOR host. Will I be able to do it? Idk, I'd have to see. But i'll figure it out

dc-blog 19 hours ago

i'll also almost be guaranteed to get simply comitting to a repo and being synced across TOR, I2P, and Neocities if i dont fuck everything up at the very least since TOR seems easy to do.

andyssite 19 hours ago

I am deeply infatuated with you

1 like
dc-blog 18 hours ago

@andyssite already have an empress tho sry

thx for the follow :D
I don't support the banning of divsel, although I do think we should tie him to a tree and shove a stick extremely far up his ass.
girleater 1 day ago

I’m fairly certain there already is one…


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CreatedDec 30, 2021
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